by Ataur Rahman | Oct 17, 2023 | Reserve Fund Study
What is a Reserve Fund Study? A Reserve Fund Study is a financial planning conducted by property management agencies, and condominium associations. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the long-term capital needs and financial sustainability of a property...
by Ataur Rahman | Jun 20, 2023 | Reserve Fund Study
What is a Contingency Fund Condo Study and Why Conduct it? The capital set aside by a condo corporation for future major renovations, replacements, or repairs of common amenities/ elements of a condo building, such as rooftop terraces, plumbing systems, elevators,...
by Ataur Rahman | Mar 23, 2023 | Reserve Fund Study
A condo reserve fund study involves a physical inspection of depreciating assets like the roof, building envelope, and Mechanical and electrical systems. Once inspected, a reserve fund report is prepared to outline all the findings. Based on the study, a reserve fund...